Seabrook Lucky Trails Marathon Relay
Seabrook, Texas
Last updated on

Results by Richard Campbell

Software by ChuckScore  
Overall Total ChipTag
Place Name Start Leg 1 Leg 2 Leg 3 Finish Place Time Time Pace
1Legs Of Fury (bib 40) Imrecke, Daniel 1 3:02:40.1 3:02:40.1 6:58
Mille, Pierre
Pinnow, Nour
Truong, Khon
47:05.5 45:26.0 44:49.9 45:18.6
2A Tad Slow (bib 33) Aleshire, Paul 45:37.9 2 3:04:55.2 3:04:55.2 7:03
Ohlemacher, Paul 45:53.1
Tien, Laurence 45:44.2
Orth, Dan 47:39.9
3Powerhouse Orange (bib 44) Zepeda, Johnny 42:40.5 3 3:13:35.7 3:13:35.7 7:23
Hovard, Brice 50:11.3
Aizy, Jim 52:09.5
Ney, Virginia 48:34.2
4Stupid Keto People (bib 42) Bue, Grant 4 3:16:38.8 3:16:38.8 7:30
Carr, Bill
Martos, Luis
Stephens, Vicki
43:55.3 52:29.1 49:00.1 51:14.0
5Keto Way (bib 27) Raines, David 5 3:18:01.3 3:18:01.3 7:33
Yost, Marty
Hunter, Anh 46:57.1 34:45.7 48:58.3
Boyd, Bruce 1:07:20.1
6The Powerhouse F = Ma (bib 39) Berenzweig, Steven 6 3:26:55.2 3:26:55.2 7:54
Canales, Charles
Castro, Joshua
Navarro, Alex
49:57.7 52:03.2 58:37.8 46:16.4
7Co-keto (bib 12) Lira, J 50:39.2 7 3:29:51.7 3:29:51.7 8:00
Clemens, Paula 59:36.5
Beattie, Jenny 55:09.9
Zimme, Zach 44:26.0
8Powerhouse Classy Clovers (bib 38) Brewer, Heidi 8 3:41:58.5 3:41:58.5 8:28
Jiminez, Cynthia
Taylor, Enedelia
Yarzy, Melanie
52:41.4 55:39.1 1:01:08.7 52:29.2
9French Crackers (bib 15) Gruber, Hervie 3:20.4 54:24.0 9 3:56:13.4 3:52:53.0 9:01
Delphine, Robert 56:22.9
Pichavant, Gurvan 1:08:27.4
Bense, Edouardo 53:38.7
10E96 (bib 14) Walker, Chet 50:30.2 10 3:52:54.6 3:52:54.6 8:53
Dikun, Tim 58:43.7
Willis, Derek 1:09:34.6
Mattix, Tommy 54:06.0
11Speedy Steamboats (bib 23) Oberg, Levi 11 4:04:53.9 4:04:53.9 9:20
Read, Timothy 57:08.7 1:04:41.1
Read, Julie 1:08:19.9
Parker, Nathan 54:44.1
12Beauties And The Beast (bib 36) Buford, Jt 12 4:05:36.4 4:05:36.4 9:22
Shakal, Erica
Stilley, Addie
Zepeda, Andrea
1:00:52.3 42:53.4 1:21:01.6 1:00:49.0
13Feminine High Jeans (bib 31) Handler, Zuylen 1:06:06.2 13 4:08:59.6 4:08:59.6 9:30
Horvilleur, Lori 1:02:18.5
Lozano, Alejandra 1:02:38.7
Bader, Melissa 57:56.1
143 Plus 1 (bib 26) Martin, Catherine 1:08:54.0 14 4:16:39.1 4:16:39.1 9:47
Martin, Christopher 59:03.2
Hoffpauir, Amanda 1:08:30.0
Martin, Kristin 1:00:11.7
15The Wheezles (bib 19) Sanchez, Lucero 54:52.2 15 4:25:29.4 4:25:29.4 10:08
Bilnoski, Josef 1:12:54.9
Morales, Caroline 1:04:06.6
Bilnoski, Karla 1:13:35.6
16Buns on the Run (bib 45) Reed, Katharine 57:34.7 16 4:27:17.1 4:27:17.1 10:12
Gaertner, Lilian Fernanda 1:24:35.4
Thompson, Courtney 52:37.1
Rice, Holly 1:12:29.8
17Runnin 4 Ritas (bib 30) Curtis, Kelly 17 4:28:14.8 4:28:14.8 10:14
Cloutier, Nicole 1:14:48.1
Hayhurst, Rob 1:00:57.4 59:17.7
McClain, Anne 1:13:11.5
18Crossfit Asteria Squad (bib 41) Bishop, Darva 18 4:35:53.9 4:30:00.5 10:31
Cole, Jill
Cole, Layken
Estes, Keleigh
5:53.4 1:12:34.8 1:10:42.0 1:05:07.5 1:01:36.1
19Runnin 4 Rum (bib 29) Richardson, Cheryl 1:14:47.9 19 4:37:37.2 4:37:37.2 10:35
Latham, Staci 1:14:51.3
Cheshier, Leah 1:04:08.9
Vanderark, Steve 1:03:49.0
20The 4-leaf Clovers (bib 43) Barnett, Cyndi 20 4:39:26.5 4:39:26.5 10:39
Dunegan, Audrey
Hentges, Beth
Velasco, Ricardo
1:02:18.9 1:12:28.6 1:20:17.1 1:04:21.8
21Scrambled Legs (bib 17) Beall, Angela 1:13:20.5 21 4:39:46.2 4:39:46.2 10:40
Hennessey, Emily 1:20:22.0
Hennessey, Morgan 1:14:32.9
Bacon, Robin 51:30.6
22Lucky Leggs Iii (bib 32) Carmona, Christine 22 4:45:05.8 4:45:05.8 10:52
Gulledge, Gay 1:12:43.9 1:26:17.3
Smith, Lorinda 37:58.2
Higgins, Abbie 1:28:06.3
234 Lucky Trails (bib 22) Holt, Kim 1:17:29.8 23 4:50:17.3 4:50:17.3 11:04
Veteto, Pam 1:04:32.5
Veteto, Cody 59:17.5
Martin, Catherine 1:28:57.4
24Oh By The Way (bib 35) Bo, Sara 24 4:55:05.8 4:55:05.8 11:15
Provaznik, Jennifer
Robinson, Michael
Touchton, Sandy
1:15:39.8 1:16:50.1 1:04:19.1 1:18:16.7
25Quads O'chafin (bib 18) Herod, Richain 25 5:02:41.1 5:02:41.1 11:33
Grover, Tammy 1:06:30.0
Riley, Debora 1:04:08.5 1:16:37.5
Grover, Garrett 1:35:25.0
263 Gurls And A Guy (bib 25) Norstrud, Leah 1:07:37.1 26 5:04:56.6 5:04:56.6 11:38
Norstrud, Stacey 1:12:06.0
Bryant, Tina 1:24:17.0
Land, Jordan 1:20:56.3
27Wine Divas On The Run (bib 34) Hernandez, Nicole 27 5:20:48.9 5:20:48.9 12:14
Lozano, Miriam
Miralles, Evelyn
Rochon, Laura
52:52.5 1:38:09.2 1:15:47.9 1:33:59.1
28The Fantastic Four (bib 16) Martin, Sara 1:22:45.7 28 5:28:38.2 5:28:38.2 12:32
Martin, Layna 1:39:02.2
Martin, Lincoln 1:08:25.5
Martin, Joshua 1:18:24.7
29Chafing The Dream (bib 24) Simpson-gomez, Joni 29 5:30:26.6 5:30:26.6 12:36
Klyng, Katie 1:14:39.1
Jacobson, Dee 1:21:06.7 1:42:28.2
Lane, Maxine 1:12:12.5
30The Green Monsters (bib 21) Ramirez, Margo E. 1:39:24.2 30 5:44:17.6 5:44:17.6 13:08
Sinclair, Lanalesa 1:16:01.0
Ramirez, Regina L 1:24:08.7
Phillips, Kyle 1:24:43.6
31Cirque Du Sore Legs (bib 10) King, Sara 1:19:47.0 31 6:09:39.7 6:09:39.7 14:06
Barghi, Diane 1:37:55.2
Main, Laurie 1:53:10.0
Bryant, Crystal 1:18:47.4
32Run-a-mucks (bib 28) Ewan, Lisa 1:18:09.4 32 6:10:55.8 6:10:55.8 14:09
Davis, Kimberly 1:34:42.8
Blowey, Laura 1:44:52.9
Kleiber, Carol 1:33:10.6
33Your Pace Or Mine (bib 20) Klyng, Karla 1:26:13.7 33 6:18:29.5 6:18:29.5 14:26
Young, Carol 1:23:25.8
Clemings, Gwen 1:48:06.4
Rice, Shelia 1:40:43.5