SLTM Half Marathon (Saturday)
March 17, 2007
Last Name First Name Sex Age Group Within Division Overall By Sex 1st Half 2nd Half Chip Time Gun Time Pace City State
Rivas Carlos M Top Overall Male 1 1 1 39:44.9 43:19.7 1:23:04.66 1:23:04.66 6:21 Houston TX
Trumbly Phil M Top Overall Male 2 2 2 43:11.6 43:09.6 1:26:21.29 1:26:22.46 6:36 Houston TX
Johnston Ii Charles M Top Overall Male 3 3 3 43:12.0 44:09.6 1:27:21.65 1:27:24.91 6:40 Houston TX
Schwieterman Joe M 20-29 Male 1 4 4 43:39.3 44:33.5 1:28:12.96 1:28:16.42 6:44 Houston TX
Perevalova Olya F Top Overall Female 1 5 1 43:29.2 44:50.3 1:28:19.56 1:28:20.81 6:45 League City TX
Snyder Buck M 30-39 Male 1 6 5 43:57.5 44:33.6 1:28:31.17 1:28:31.70 6:45 The Woodlands TX
Maiberger Bob M 30-39 Male 2 7 6 44:50.4 46:36.0 1:31:26.55 1:31:38.41 7:00 La Marque TX
Mccready Steve M 40-49 Male 1 8 7 44:58.7 47:12.9 1:32:11.74 1:32:15.33 7:03 Ottawa ON
Chapman Matthew M 20-29 Male 2 9 8 45:24.8 49:05.5 1:34:30.39 1:34:33.33 7:13 Bryan TX
Rhodes Lent M 30-39 Male 3 10 9 47:00.8 47:59.4 1:35:00.27 1:35:01.69 7:15 Beach City TX
Jindra Joseph M 30-39 Male 4 11 10 47:20.8 47:48.8 1:35:09.67 1:35:14.91 7:16 Houston TX
Lord Jim M 30-39 Male 5 12 11 44:33.7 51:47.8 1:36:21.59 1:36:24.15 7:22 Friendswood TX
Jackson Nathan M 30-39 Male 6 13 12 48:15.8 48:09.2 1:36:25.16 1:36:25.84 7:22 Houston TX
Castaneda Joseph M 30-39 Male 7 14 13 49:04.7 47:29.2 1:36:33.94 1:36:36.40 7:22 League City TX
Contreras Macey M 50-59 Male 1 15 14 48:03.3 48:32.7 1:36:36.02 1:36:36.49 7:22 Houton TX
Williams Keith M 40-49 Male 2 16 15 50:27.0 46:40.4 1:37:07.46 1:37:10.53 7:25 Little Rock AR
Ford Greg M 40-49 Male 3 17 16 49:04.4 48:14.3 1:37:18.82 1:37:21.53 7:26 Seabrook TX
Fish Kent M 50-59 Male 2 18 17 49:09.5 48:48.7 1:37:58.28 1:38:05.25 7:29 San Angelo TX
ST. Jean Chris M 20-29 Male 3 19 18 50:52.5 1:38:07.01 7:29 Seabrook TX
Almond Stacey F Top Overall Female 2 20 2 48:51.2 49:26.4 1:38:17.71 1:38:19.28 7:30 Katy TX
Shafer Marne F Top Overall Female 3 21 3 48:59.5 49:23.8 1:38:23.38 1:38:29.75 7:31 Katy TX
Vaughan Dick M 50-59 Male 3 22 19 48:55.4 50:03.6 1:38:59.05 1:39:02.81 7:34 Houston TX
Foster Rebecca F 20-29 Female 1 23 4 48:30.6 51:16.3 1:39:46.99 1:39:56.65 7:38 League City TX
Gray Max M 30-39 Male 8 24 20 50:19.9 50:28.7 1:40:48.75 1:40:57.46 7:42 Houston TX
Graham Robert M 30-39 Male 9 25 21 50:19.6 50:29.0 1:40:48.68 1:40:57.70 7:42 Houston TX
Baugher Jd M 12-19 Male 1 26 22 44:07.3 56:20.5 1:40:27.82 1:41:22.88 7:44 Houston TX
Holland Mark M 40-49 Male 4 27 23 51:29.0 49:56.6 1:41:25.69 1:41:27.35 7:45 Missouri City TX
Jones Bradley M 30-39 Male 10 28 24 52:13.9 50:02.7 1:42:16.65 1:42:40.25 7:50 League City TX
Burlet Stephanie F 30-39 Female 1 29 5 50:20.8 52:36.5 1:42:57.40 1:42:59.57 7:52 Houston TX
Page Stuart M 40-49 Male 5 30 25 50:21.0 52:36.6 1:42:57.67 1:42:59.61 7:52 Houston TX
Campos Carlos M 40-49 Male 6 31 26 49:29.6 54:21.3 1:43:50.99 1:43:55.53 7:56 Pearland TX
Reardon Brian M 30-39 Male 11 32 27 53:28.3 49:55.0 1:43:23.38 1:44:01.07 7:56 Jemez Springs NM
Moldovanyi Eva F 50-59 Female 1 33 6 51:01.5 53:04.9 1:44:06.50 1:44:16.14 7:58 Pearland TX
Snyder Kerri F 30-39 Female 2 34 7 51:13.2 53:25.8 1:44:39.07 1:44:44.45 8:00 The Woodlands TX
Hinton Paul M 30-39 Male 12 35 28 50:45.9 54:07.4 1:44:53.39 1:45:02.10 8:01 Plano TX
Espinoza David M 50-59 Male 4 36 29 53:24.6 53:26.1 1:46:50.74 1:46:51.38 8:09 San Antonio TX
Weir Debra F 40-49 Female 1 37 8 54:01.3 54:08.8 1:48:10.17 1:48:15.20 8:16 Pearland TX
Brundage Kyle M 12-19 Male 2 38 30 54:55.2 53:12.4 1:48:07.68 1:48:28.13 8:17 The Woodlands TX
Brundage Paul M 40-49 Male 7 39 31 54:54.9 53:12.6 1:48:07.55 1:48:28.37 8:17 The Woodlands TX
Maccallon James M 50-59 Male 5 40 32 54:49.6 53:38.0 1:48:27.71 1:48:34.10 8:17 Missouri City TX
Kirt Quantriay M 30-39 Male 13 41 33 52:11.6 55:47.6 1:47:59.30 1:48:42.23 8:18 Houston TX
Woodruff J.D. M 20-29 Male 4 42 34 54:47.3 53:27.6 1:48:15.08 1:48:44.84 8:18 Rusk TX
Ackerson Emily F 20-29 Female 2 43 9 54:46.6 53:27.8 1:48:14.48 1:48:44.85 8:18 Flint TX
Pettit Michael M 50-59 Male 6 44 35 54:57.1 53:37.9 1:48:35.05 1:49:02.74 8:19 Garland TX
Keeble Trent M 50-59 Male 7 45 36 54:09.3 54:40.0 1:48:49.41 1:49:16.47 8:20 Kemah TX
Schatz August F 12-19 Female 1 46 10 52:49.6 57:24.0 1:50:13.74 1:50:22.36 8:26 Kemah TX
Wheeler Sue F 40-49 Female 2 47 11 55:00.8 55:08.9 1:50:09.76 1:50:23.97 8:26 Houston TX
Brown Buddy M 40-49 Male 8 48 37 57:01.1 53:21.1 1:50:22.26 1:50:32.33 8:26 Houston TX
Mccready Sheri F 40-49 Female 3 49 12 54:01.5 56:30.6 1:50:32.24 1:50:35.98 8:27 Ottawa ON
Klein Joel M 40-49 Male 9 50 38 53:20.9 56:59.8 1:50:20.78 1:50:37.13 8:27 Cypress TX
Miller Randy M 40-49 Male 10 51 39 52:05.4 58:49.5 1:50:54.97 1:51:16.02 8:30 The Woodlands TX
Singletary Jennifer F 30-39 Female 3 52 13 54:43.2 56:07.3 1:50:50.66 1:51:18.15 8:30 League City TX
Collins Mike M 30-39 Male 14 53 40 56:05.3 55:27.9 1:51:33.31 1:51:49.76 8:32 Houston TX
Hart Paula F 40-49 Female 4 54 14 55:33.2 56:10.3 1:51:43.67 1:51:53.90 8:33 Lake Jackson TX
Fudge Michael M 30-39 Male 15 55 41 54:36.5 57:02.3 1:51:38.89 1:51:58.33 8:33 College Station TX
Purvey Michael M 30-39 Male 16 56 42 56:33.7 55:07.9 1:51:41.67 1:52:03.92 8:33 Houston TX
Odell Julie F 40-49 Female 5 57 15 54:36.3 57:09.5 1:51:45.92 1:52:05.38 8:33 College Station TX
Zey Eb M 30-39 Male 17 58 43 55:00.3 56:54.0 1:51:54.37 1:52:05.78 8:33 Houston TX
Rebolledo Fernando M 40-49 Male 11 59 44 55:25.7 56:38.8 1:52:04.63 1:52:18.53 8:34 Katy TX
Cayton Samantha F 40-49 Female 6 60 16 57:03.2 55:27.4 1:52:30.68 1:52:37.82 8:36 Houston TX
Frey Ingrid F 40-49 Female 7 61 17 57:02.3 55:32.1 1:52:34.51 1:52:42.35 8:36 Friendswood TX
Bowler Karen F 50-59 Female 2 62 18 1:00:48.4 52:00.7 1:52:49.16 1:52:53.83 8:37 Houston TX
Hamer David M 40-49 Male 12 63 45 56:41.2 56:07.2 1:52:48.51 1:53:06.84 8:38
Bach Chuck M 30-39 Male 18 64 46 56:05.8 56:45.3 1:52:51.26 1:53:12.83 8:39 League City TX
Carleton Bryan M 30-39 Male 19 65 47 56:47.1 56:39.5 1:53:26.65 1:54:04.20 8:42 League City TX
Chris Coleman M 30-39 Male 20 66 48 55:55.6 57:58.8 1:53:54.52 1:54:11.78 8:43 Austin TX
Keller Lindsay M 40-49 Male 13 67 49 54:22.3 59:22.6 1:53:44.96 1:54:12.94 8:43 Houston TX
Mosley Terry M 50-59 Male 8 68 50 54:40.6 59:31.3 1:54:11.97 1:54:18.56 8:44 Houston TX
Daniels Stephanie F 40-49 Female 8 69 19 56:21.2 57:23.8 1:53:45.11 1:54:24.51 8:44 Houston TX
Geraci Melody F 20-29 Female 3 70 20 55:55.8 58:24.1 1:54:20.03 1:54:37.09 8:45 Houston TX
Figari Philip M 12-19 Male 3 71 51 1:00:05.8 54:57.0 1:55:02.81 1:55:23.21 8:48 Boerne TX
Bradbury Kevin M 12-19 Male 4 72 52 1:00:06.1 54:57.2 1:55:03.46 1:55:23.30 8:48 Houston TX
Fawcett Cherise F 30-39 Female 4 73 21 56:53.0 58:06.7 1:54:59.75 1:55:31.31 8:49 Vidor TX
Camarillo Adolfo M 20-29 Male 5 74 53 56:25.5 58:38.9 1:55:04.50 1:55:55.36 8:51 Houston TX
Solis Felicia F 30-39 Female 5 75 22 58:38.3 57:17.8 1:55:56.20 1:56:08.06 8:52 Houston TX
Miller Bobie M 50-59 Male 9 76 54 59:37.0 56:18.8 1:55:55.87 1:56:11.29 8:52 Pasadena TE
Yeary David Jr M 12-19 Male 5 77 55 1:00:06.0 56:01.8 1:56:07.98 1:56:27.92 8:53 Fair Oaks Ranch TX
Morken Paul M 60-69 Male 1 78 56 58:26.9 57:39.1 1:56:06.02 1:56:28.38 8:53 Houston TX
Kouwe Donna F 50-59 Female 3 79 23 58:29.6 57:55.3 1:56:25.01 1:56:38.57 8:54 Houston TX
Sears Patti F 50-59 Female 4 80 24 57:48.7 58:34.2 1:56:22.96 1:56:41.22 8:54 Houston TX
Amaya Rene M 30-39 Male 21 81 57 56:39.2 59:51.4 1:56:30.60 1:56:45.30 8:55 Friendswood TX
Woloszyn Michelle F 20-29 Female 4 82 25 59:52.8 56:43.7 1:56:36.58 1:56:59.76 8:56 League City TX
Manza Pete M 30-39 Male 22 83 58 58:44.6 58:15.5 1:57:00.21 1:57:12.41 8:57 Seabrook TX
Malloy Dennis M 40-49 Male 14 84 59 57:58.1 59:20.9 1:57:19.07 1:57:21.92 8:58 League City TX
Babitz Leah F 30-39 Female 6 85 26 57:04.1 1:00:13.9 1:57:18.05 1:57:39.33 8:59 Houston TX
Fish Colin M 30-39 Male 23 86 60 57:31.8 1:00:03.7 1:57:35.60 1:57:48.30 9:00 San Antonio TX
Colberg Kate F 20-29 Female 5 87 27 58:00.8 59:39.0 1:57:39.87 1:57:49.02 9:00 Houston TX
Bruno Anthony M 30-39 Male 24 88 61 58:58.0 58:54.8 1:57:52.92 1:58:05.82 9:01 Pearland TX
Smith Toni F 40-49 Female 9 89 28 58:01.1 1:00:49.5 1:58:50.66 1:58:58.98 9:05 Katy TX
Browning Christopher M 30-39 Male 25 90 62 58:35.8 1:00:12.5 1:58:48.32 1:59:00.93 9:05 Shoreacre TX
Carpenter Paige F 30-39 Female 7 91 29 57:50.5 1:01:11.2 1:59:01.75 1:59:11.13 9:06 Beaumont TX
Dacke Tracy F 30-39 Female 8 92 30 57:35.3 1:01:43.9 1:59:19.31 1:59:24.81 9:07 League City TX
Payton Cindy F 40-49 Female 10 93 31 59:57.3 59:22.3 1:59:19.76 1:59:30.49 9:07 Shreveport LA
Stephens Laurie F 20-29 Female 6 94 32 58:48.0 1:00:17.1 1:59:05.18 1:59:32.18 9:07 Richmond TX
Stephens Cade M 20-29 Male 6 95 63 58:47.8 1:00:17.7 1:59:05.58 1:59:32.70 9:08 Richmond TX
Fish Hugh M 60-69 Male 2 96 64 58:02.2 1:01:25.2 1:59:27.54 1:59:33.58 9:08 Cary NC
Vallely John M 30-39 Male 26 97 65 1:02:30.4 57:22.0 1:59:52.43 2:00:04.14 9:10 Spring TX
Winkley Don M 60-69 Male 3 98 66 59:31.3 1:00:40.8 2:00:12.24 2:00:17.69 9:11 Corpus Christi TX
Schwalbach Rick M 40-49 Male 15 99 67 1:00:06.4 1:00:09.8 2:00:16.27 2:00:24.51 9:11 Seabrook TX
Bruno Ivone F 30-39 Female 9 100 33 58:58.1 1:01:19.0 2:00:17.21 2:00:30.59 9:12 Pearland TX
Bernero David M 30-39 Male 27 101 68 1:01:33.6 59:10.3 2:00:43.99 2:01:08.90 9:15 Round Rock TX
Ponczoch Katharine F 20-29 Female 7 102 34 1:01:28.6 59:09.7 2:00:38.39 2:01:17.88 9:16 Austin TX
Swist David M 20-29 Male 7 103 69 58:54.2 1:01:50.4 2:00:44.64 2:01:46.33 9:18 Lake Jackson TX
Thompson Trent M 30-39 Male 28 104 70 1:00:01.0 1:02:26.1 2:02:27.20 2:02:44.93 9:22 Austin TX
Riggs Heidi F 30-39 Female 10 105 35 1:02:27.7 1:00:01.6 2:02:29.36 2:03:16.41 9:25 Friendswood TX
Theobald Mark M 50-59 Male 10 106 71 58:44.7 1:04:32.3 2:03:17.15 2:03:26.40 9:25 Beaumont TX
Steadman Walt M 30-39 Male 29 107 72 1:02:21.5 1:00:37.0 2:02:58.55 2:03:38.05 9:26 The Woodlands TX
Welden Brett M 40-49 Male 16 108 73 57:24.8 1:06:05.2 2:03:30.09 2:03:44.26 9:27 Kempner TX
Godfrey Carrie F 30-39 Female 11 109 36 1:01:50.6 1:02:03.6 2:03:54.27 2:03:57.60 9:28 League City TX
Hinton Jill F 40-49 Female 11 110 37 1:01:00.1 1:02:57.5 2:03:57.72 2:04:06.05 9:28 Plano TX
Coulson Tony M 30-39 Male 30 111 74 1:01:07.1 1:03:08.3 2:04:15.43 2:04:26.91 9:30 Zionsville IN
Welden Marcie F 40-49 Female 12 112 38 1:00:54.2 1:03:38.1 2:04:32.35 2:04:45.88 9:31 Kempner TX
Bowler Tim M 50-59 Male 11 113 75 1:00:15.6 1:04:29.3 2:04:44.93 2:04:49.60 9:32 Houston TX
Sears Rich M 50-59 Male 12 114 76 59:25.0 1:05:29.2 2:04:54.29 2:05:12.93 9:34 Houston TX
Des Lauriers Thomas M 50-59 Male 13 115 77 1:00:05.3 1:05:06.3 2:05:11.70 2:05:25.14 9:34 Cypress TX
Snyder Rod M 50-59 Male 14 116 78 1:00:17.4 1:04:55.2 2:05:12.67 2:05:46.29 9:36 Baytown TX
Anderson Heidi F 20-29 Female 8 117 39 59:53.0 1:05:36.1 2:05:29.17 2:05:52.40 9:37 Houston TX
Gandhi Chirag M 20-29 Male 8 118 79 1:01:41.7 1:03:57.3 2:05:39.14 2:05:59.65 9:37 Austin TX
Sawma Terry M 60-69 Male 4 119 80 1:07:00.0 59:08.2 2:06:08.26 2:06:24.28 9:39 Kingwood TX
Askey Debbie F 30-39 Female 12 120 40 1:01:55.8 1:04:22.2 2:06:18.05 2:06:32.03 9:40 Katy TX
Maher Mike M 50-59 Male 15 121 81 1:03:22.6 1:04:19.0 2:07:41.64 2:08:20.42 9:48 The Woodlands TX
Tucker Russ M 30-39 Male 31 122 82 1:00:00.7 1:08:01.2 2:08:02.02 2:08:42.35 9:49 Seabrook TX
Esposito Cheryl A F 40-49 Female 13 123 41 1:04:25.1 1:04:27.7 2:08:52.87 2:08:58.59 9:51 Seabrook TX
Hanson Tom M 40-49 Male 17 124 83 1:03:23.1 1:04:43.2 2:08:06.36 2:09:08.33 9:51 League City TX
Trimbur William M 50-59 Male 16 125 84 1:01:13.1 1:08:03.2 2:09:16.47 2:09:27.88 9:53 Kingwood TX
Pabst Jared M 30-39 Male 32 126 85 59:00.4 1:10:15.4 2:09:15.87 2:09:43.72 9:54 Richmond TX
Grose Nikki F 20-29 Female 9 127 42 1:05:05.3 1:04:31.5 2:09:36.86 2:09:54.20 9:55 Arlington VA
Crowder Lisa F 30-39 Female 13 128 43 1:05:11.5 1:04:28.4 2:09:40.00 2:09:59.31 9:55 Bryan TX
Edmonds Emily F 30-39 Female 14 129 44 1:05:56.2 1:04:10.3 2:10:06.64 2:10:14.56 9:57 Houston TX
Hoenninger Corbett M 30-39 Male 33 130 86 1:03:25.6 1:05:50.8 2:09:16.45 2:10:17.57 9:57 Dickinson TX
Mcentire Serina F 30-39 Female 15 131 45 1:00:45.1 1:09:57.4 2:10:42.56 2:11:23.40 10:02 Bayou Vista TX
Peng Chieh F 40-49 Female 14 132 46 1:05:11.7 1:06:43.0 2:11:54.72 2:12:14.70 10:06 Bryan TX
Rebolledo Raquel F 50-59 Female 5 133 47 1:03:28.9 1:09:10.0 2:12:38.93 2:12:45.58 10:08 Katy TX
Evans Cynthia F 50-59 Female 6 134 48 1:06:39.4 1:06:10.8 2:12:50.38 2:13:13.18 10:10 Taylor Lake Village TX
Hinkebein John M 20-29 Male 9 135 87 1:09:41.5 1:03:18.9 2:13:00.45 2:13:19.54 10:11 San Antonio TX
Trimble Jim M 40-49 Male 18 136 88 1:03:00.7 1:10:42.2 2:13:42.98 2:13:58.44 10:14 Friendswood TX
Mulkey Cherie F 40-49 Female 15 137 49 1:08:06.9 1:05:04.9 2:13:11.91 2:14:04.47 10:14 Bryan TX
Williams David M 30-39 Male 34 138 89 1:04:26.3 1:09:09.3 2:13:35.64 2:14:15.62 10:15 Austin TX
Lee Mike M 40-49 Male 19 139 90 1:08:33.6 1:04:50.8 2:13:24.51 2:14:25.00 10:16 Houston TX
Hulett Joe M 30-39 Male 35 140 91 1:08:33.4 1:04:50.7 2:13:24.20 2:14:25.56 10:16 Woodlands TX
Jaramillo Karen F 40-49 Female 16 141 50 1:05:14.1 1:08:37.9 2:13:52.07 2:14:30.87 10:16 League TX
Van Ast Paul M 30-39 Male 36 142 92 1:05:53.8 1:08:49.2 2:14:43.11 2:15:15.97 10:20 Seabrook TX
Johnson Emily F 30-39 Female 16 143 51 1:06:38.4 1:07:59.4 2:14:37.84 2:15:16.01 10:20 Austin TX
Coyne Robin F 40-49 Female 17 144 52 1:08:26.3 1:06:57.5 2:15:23.80 2:15:54.46 10:22 Missouri City TX
Benson Tom M 40-49 Male 20 145 93 1:04:57.9 1:10:39.9 2:15:37.83 2:16:01.30 10:23 Houston TX
Morse Chanda F 30-39 Female 17 146 53 1:03:30.1 1:12:21.5 2:15:51.63 2:16:15.97 10:24 Mansfield TX
Tippetts Sarah F 30-39 Female 18 147 54 1:06:38.8 1:09:04.1 2:15:43.04 2:16:20.88 10:24 Dallas TX
Norwood Christine F 20-29 Female 10 148 55 1:05:58.7 1:10:28.3 2:16:27.10 2:16:33.49 10:25 League City TX
Etchen James M 50-59 Male 17 149 94 1:06:15.1 1:10:12.2 2:16:27.40 2:17:21.17 10:29 Houston TX
Earle Christy F 30-39 Female 19 150 56 1:05:25.0 1:11:52.8 2:17:17.88 2:17:41.23 10:31 Double Oak TE
Cain Paul M 50-59 Male 18 151 95 1:01:50.0 1:15:36.5 2:17:26.57 2:17:43.90 10:31 Kingwood TX
Johnston Charles M 40-49 Male 21 152 96 1:05:28.6 1:11:28.7 2:16:57.38 2:17:57.26 10:32 Houston TX
Morgan Susan F 40-49 Female 18 153 57 1:05:53.6 1:11:48.3 2:17:42.04 2:18:08.33 10:33 Friendswood TX
Wissing Dennis M 50-59 Male 19 154 97 1:03:11.3 1:14:57.8 2:18:09.19 2:18:19.74 10:34 Shreveport LA
Sokolow Harry M 50-59 Male 20 155 98 1:06:56.1 1:10:24.8 2:17:21.06 2:18:25.39 10:34 Houston TX
Sokolow Dena F 50-59 Female 7 156 58 1:06:56.8 1:10:25.5 2:17:22.35 2:18:26.54 10:34 Houston TX
Barron Lee M 50-59 Male 21 157 99 1:11:14.0 1:06:55.3 2:18:09.42 2:18:28.18 10:34 La Porte TX
Aitchison Lindsay F 20-29 Female 11 158 59 1:08:03.1 1:09:30.2 2:17:33.32 2:18:29.01 10:34 Houston TX
Ross Amy F 30-39 Female 20 159 60 1:08:02.7 1:09:33.7 2:17:36.50 2:18:32.54 10:35 Friendswood TX
Mccrum Sara F 20-29 Female 12 160 61 1:08:35.1 1:09:30.4 2:18:05.60 2:18:47.13 10:36 League City TX
Galvan Danela F 30-39 Female 21 161 62 1:08:35.3 1:09:52.7 2:18:28.10 2:19:10.32 10:37 Pasadena TX
Vida Jennifer F 20-29 Female 13 162 63 1:08:35.2 1:09:57.5 2:18:32.77 2:19:15.17 10:38 Dickinson TX
Bose Coleen F 40-49 Female 19 163 64 1:09:21.5 1:09:16.1 2:18:37.74 2:19:29.41 10:39 Houston TX
Williams Randy M 40-49 Male 22 164 100 1:01:14.3 1:17:51.5 2:19:05.97 2:19:36.23 10:39 Pearland TX
Lerow Sara F 30-39 Female 22 165 65 1:09:41.3 1:09:36.2 2:19:17.57 2:19:36.85 10:39 League City TX
Farrar Chris M 30-39 Male 37 166 101 1:07:22.1 1:11:59.2 2:19:21.44 2:19:47.91 10:40 League City TX
Speaker David M 30-39 Male 38 167 102 1:09:42.5 1:09:09.7 2:18:52.38 2:19:53.13 10:41 The Woodlands TX
Bauman Beverly F 30-39 Female 23 168 66 1:11:30.4 1:07:45.7 2:19:16.23 2:20:02.17 10:41 Katy TX
Vallely Tammi F 30-39 Female 24 169 67 1:02:30.5 1:17:45.1 2:20:15.67 2:20:27.26 10:43 Spring TX
Albrecht Christal F 40-49 Female 20 170 68 1:07:06.0 1:13:10.9 2:20:17.05 2:20:32.89 10:44 Kingwood TX
Salbilla Betsy F 30-39 Female 25 171 69 1:07:27.0 1:13:00.0 2:20:27.09 2:20:35.10 10:44 Houston TX
Hustedt Inga F 30-39 Female 26 172 70 1:14:32.9 1:05:26.4 2:19:59.38 2:20:36.42 10:44 The Woodlands TX
Jackson Hesley M 60-69 Male 5 173 103 1:07:12.0 1:13:02.5 2:20:14.56 2:20:41.23 10:44 Houston TX
Poole Andrea F 30-39 Female 27 174 71 1:05:15.9 1:15:11.4 2:20:27.31 2:20:58.98 10:46 Vidor TX
ST. John Nishi F 30-39 Female 28 175 72 1:10:52.0 1:09:56.5 2:20:48.64 2:21:04.12 10:46 Friendswood TX
Black Karen F 30-39 Female 29 176 73 1:10:52.3 1:09:56.6 2:20:48.97 2:21:04.35 10:46 Friendswood TX
Duncan Alan M 30-39 Male 39 177 104 1:06:33.7 1:14:03.4 2:20:37.18 2:21:09.10 10:46 Houston TX
Graybeal Sarah F 20-29 Female 14 178 74 1:10:04.0 1:10:55.3 2:20:59.31 2:21:21.91 10:47 Houston TX
Mann Mark M 40-49 Male 23 179 105 1:09:13.5 1:12:23.4 2:21:37.07 2:21:52.17 10:50 Friendswood TX
Scherry Paula F 30-39 Female 30 180 75 1:05:43.8 1:16:21.5 2:22:05.32 2:22:16.40 10:52 Lufkin TX
Duplichan Kay F 70-79 Female 1 181 76 1:09:17.4 1:12:58.5 2:22:16.00 2:22:29.49 10:53 Rockport TX
Hutsell John David M 60-69 Male 6 182 106 1:08:43.5 1:13:33.3 2:22:16.95 2:23:04.53 10:55 Houston TX
Newbern Murry F 40-49 Female 21 183 77 1:10:01.5 1:13:23.9 2:23:25.47 2:24:00.86 11:00 Little Rock AR
Mayfield Karen F 20-29 Female 15 184 78 1:06:58.9 1:17:01.1 2:24:00.05 2:24:27.64 11:02
Drewery Lea F 30-39 Female 31 185 79 1:12:04.7 1:11:50.9 2:23:55.68 2:24:31.82 11:02 Katy TX
Klein Christina F 40-49 Female 22 186 80 1:12:37.1 1:11:42.5 2:24:19.77 2:24:53.57 11:04 Cypress TX
Lancer Karen F 50-59 Female 8 187 81 1:13:21.1 1:12:13.5 2:25:34.68 2:25:41.94 11:07 Houston TX
Mckernan Diane F 30-39 Female 32 188 82 1:11:37.0 1:14:00.0 2:25:37.17 2:26:15.55 11:10 Houston TX
Friday Alicia F 20-29 Female 16 189 83 1:13:30.5 1:12:06.4 2:25:36.96 2:26:17.01 11:10 Houston TX
Christoffersen Sue F 50-59 Female 9 190 84 1:10:23.5 1:15:32.3 2:25:55.86 2:26:22.39 11:10 Houston TX
Dwyer Brook F 30-39 Female 33 191 85 1:07:48.9 1:19:32.1 2:27:21.12 2:27:26.15 11:15 Dayton TX
Rampacek Christopher M 50-59 Male 22 192 107 1:18:25.5 1:08:27.0 2:26:52.65 2:27:37.85 11:16 Houston TX
Goodman Frank M 60-69 Male 7 193 108 1:14:00.1 1:14:50.1 2:28:50.22 2:29:14.75 11:24 League City TX
Mueller J. Wesley M 60-69 Male 8 194 109 1:10:00.2 1:19:57.4 2:29:57.78 2:30:02.55 11:27 Hockley TX
To Kay F 30-39 Female 34 195 86 1:13:31.7 1:16:01.7 2:29:33.51 2:30:05.45 11:27 Houston TX
Gonzales Christy F 30-39 Female 35 196 87 1:13:31.6 1:16:01.7 2:29:33.46 2:30:05.56 11:27 Houston TX
Williamson Kayla F 30-39 Female 36 197 88 1:16:21.9 1:13:12.5 2:29:34.42 2:30:09.80 11:28 League City TX
Wagner Ben M 50-59 Male 23 198 110 1:17:53.2 1:11:50.6 2:29:43.91 2:30:14.60 11:28 League City TX
Burrows Ronald M 50-59 Male 24 199 111 1:15:07.1 1:15:19.6 2:30:26.72 2:31:18.03 11:33 Tomball TX
Placke Gretchen F 20-29 Female 17 200 89 1:13:23.8 1:17:49.4 2:31:13.22 2:31:48.28 11:35 Seabrook TX
Prashad Nagindra M 60-69 Male 9 201 112 1:14:03.1 1:17:29.0 2:31:32.23 2:31:52.53 11:36 Houston TX
Grose Crystal F 40-49 Female 23 202 90 1:14:37.7 1:17:15.9 2:31:53.68 2:32:10.72 11:37 Roanoke TX
Martucci Jason M 20-29 Male 10 203 113 1:15:17.1 1:18:23.5 2:33:40.69 2:34:02.38 11:46 League City TX
Martucci Alison F 20-29 Female 18 204 91 1:15:18.4 1:18:22.7 2:33:41.16 2:34:02.86 11:46 League City TX
Higgins Abbie F 40-49 Female 24 205 92 1:22:59.8 1:10:38.2 2:33:38.08 2:34:03.97 11:46 Houston TX
Fingerhut Susan F 30-39 Female 37 206 93 1:18:23.0 1:15:05.4 2:33:28.55 2:34:05.42 11:46 The Woodlands TX
Lopez Alma Liliana F 30-39 Female 38 207 94 1:14:20.4 1:20:00.4 2:34:20.83 2:34:59.97 11:50 Houston TX
Mohammed Sarah F 40-49 Female 25 208 95 1:15:45.3 1:18:49.1 2:34:34.47 2:35:08.34 11:51 Missouri City TX
Lechago Lora F 30-39 Female 39 209 96 1:16:18.3 1:18:17.4 2:34:35.83 2:35:16.41 11:51 League City TX
Chinea Diana F 40-49 Female 26 210 97 1:18:22.8 1:16:28.1 2:34:51.01 2:35:27.97 11:52 The Woodlands TX
Glazener Mike M 50-59 Male 25 211 114 1:16:36.7 1:18:16.8 2:34:53.59 2:35:53.73 11:54 Liberty TX
Perry Shannon F 30-39 Female 40 212 98 1:09:44.9 1:26:03.0 2:35:47.94 2:36:02.66 11:55 Friendswood TX
Michalk Dwight M 40-49 Male 24 213 115 1:16:45.2 1:19:11.8 2:35:57.16 2:36:28.30 11:57 Friendswood TX
Michalk Cheryl F 40-49 Female 27 214 99 1:16:45.1 1:19:12.3 2:35:57.45 2:36:28.32 11:57 Friendswood TX
Kohlmaier Joe M 30-39 Male 40 215 116 1:17:19.3 1:18:35.2 2:35:54.61 2:36:40.10 11:58 Houston TX
Stanford John M 50-59 Male 26 216 117 1:13:20.3 1:23:05.2 2:36:25.65 2:36:45.73 11:58 League City TX
Wilbanks Penny F 30-39 Female 41 217 100 1:16:29.7 1:20:00.9 2:36:30.70 2:37:00.36 11:59 Arlington TX
Mills Yvonne F 40-49 Female 28 218 101 1:17:44.8 1:18:49.6 2:36:34.49 2:37:00.39 11:59 Houston TX
Bauch Garland M 60-69 Male 10 219 118 1:19:09.1 1:17:43.0 2:36:52.17 2:37:22.08 12:01 Houston TX
Mackay Pamela F 50-59 Female 10 220 102 1:19:43.2 1:17:28.7 2:37:11.95 2:37:42.97 12:02 Sugar Land TX
Gibson Kelly F 40-49 Female 29 221 103 1:15:44.8 1:21:43.6 2:37:28.45 2:38:02.78 12:04 Sugarland TX
Dooyema Kathy F 30-39 Female 42 222 104 1:12:23.9 1:25:32.2 2:37:56.27 2:38:20.30 12:05 Cypress TX
Lee Vicky F 50-59 Female 11 223 105 1:17:15.1 1:21:57.6 2:39:12.74 2:40:03.36 12:13 Pearland TX
Tiefert Jerome M 50-59 Male 27 224 119 1:18:36.3 1:22:15.4 2:40:51.87 2:41:46.55 12:21 League City TX
Lee Laura F 40-49 Female 30 225 106 1:16:21.5 1:25:45.1 2:42:06.67 2:42:42.40 12:25 League City TX
Dykas James M 40-49 Male 25 226 120 1:20:28.0 1:22:32.4 2:43:00.50 2:43:50.40 12:30 Friendswood TX
Dykas Jaclyn F 30-39 Female 43 227 107 1:20:27.9 1:22:32.5 2:43:00.57 2:43:50.50 12:30 Friendswood TX
Barbour Kay F 40-49 Female 31 228 108 1:20:16.8 1:23:56.7 2:44:13.61 2:44:55.12 12:35 Houston TX
Correll Denise F 40-49 Female 32 229 109 1:20:57.4 1:23:30.7 2:44:28.17 2:45:16.75 12:37 Friendswood TX
Tran Diep M 40-49 Male 26 230 121 1:15:32.2 1:29:36.7 2:45:08.95 2:46:02.15 12:40 Sugar Land TX
Rodriguez Anna F 40-49 Female 33 231 110 1:19:47.0 1:26:07.0 2:45:54.02 2:46:12.73 12:41 Houston TX
Lacy Michael M 30-39 Male 41 232 122 1:19:44.5 1:27:35.3 2:47:19.82 2:47:33.66 12:47 Webster TX
Seyb Jeanne F 50-59 Female 12 233 111 1:20:53.2 1:26:01.6 2:46:54.94 2:47:45.19 12:48 Friendswood TX
Manza Alexa F 30-39 Female 44 234 112 1:19:09.7 1:28:35.1 2:47:44.87 2:47:57.07 12:49 Seabrook TX
Duston Dave M 50-59 Male 28 235 123 1:24:05.3 1:24:15.0 2:48:20.39 2:48:33.73 12:52 Humble TX
Brown Melinda F 30-39 Female 45 236 113 1:20:39.9 1:27:48.7 2:48:28.61 2:49:18.14 12:55 Missouri City TX
Heinzerling Kathy F 60-69 Female 1 237 114 1:25:33.7 1:23:23.0 2:48:56.75 2:49:29.77 12:56 Highlands TX
Brewton Jessica F 20-29 Female 19 238 115 1:22:26.9 1:26:38.9 2:49:05.93 2:50:08.41 12:59 Houston TX
Balch Angela F 30-39 Female 46 239 116 1:22:27.6 1:26:38.6 2:49:06.24 2:50:08.49 12:59 Houston TX
Tanner Barbara F 40-49 Female 34 240 117 1:19:08.5 1:31:04.1 2:50:12.72 2:50:30.73 13:01 Carrollton TX
Montgonmery Margaret F 60-69 Female 2 241 118 1:24:03.7 1:26:37.2 2:50:41.01 2:50:49.14 13:02 Houston TX
Ellis Erin F 20-29 Female 20 242 119 1:23:19.8 1:27:23.4 2:50:43.29 2:51:35.71 13:06 League City TX
Burns Jill F 30-39 Female 47 243 120 1:18:20.7 1:33:43.2 2:52:04.02 2:52:17.88 13:09 Houston TX
Monaghan Terry F 30-39 Female 48 244 121 1:26:47.4 1:25:19.1 2:52:06.55 2:52:35.64 13:11 Pearland TX
Shaw Holly F 30-39 Female 49 245 122 1:22:38.2 1:29:24.9 2:52:03.16 2:52:38.01 13:11 Webster TX
Flemmings Larena F 20-29 Female 21 246 123 1:20:46.2 1:33:11.8 2:53:58.11 2:54:38.23 13:20 Houston TX
Subramony Mahesh M 20-29 Male 11 247 124 1:23:19.9 1:31:56.5 2:55:16.45 2:55:37.17 13:24 Kyle TX
Chesnick Patricia F 40-49 Female 35 248 124 1:27:53.5 1:27:32.1 2:55:25.64 2:55:48.72 13:25 Houston TX
Gulledge Gay F 50-59 Female 13 249 125 1:23:01.1 1:33:04.8 2:56:06.06 2:56:31.80 13:29 Houston TX
Collins Senja F 40-49 Female 36 250 126 1:29:42.8 1:28:14.6 2:57:57.46 2:58:57.31 13:40 Lubbock TX
Lipinsky Dana F 40-49 Female 37 251 127 1:25:10.6 1:34:07.4 2:59:18.15 2:59:51.48 13:44 Houston TX
Lipinsky Emily F 12-19 Female 2 252 128 1:25:19.9 1:33:59.3 2:59:19.28 2:59:52.69 13:44 Houston TX
Bishop Andy M 30-39 Male 42 253 125 1:10:51.4 1:51:22.5 3:02:13.97 3:02:58.14 13:58 Katy TX
Scales Christy F 40-49 Female 38 254 129 1:26:40.2 1:36:23.8 3:03:04.13 3:04:00.19 14:03 Alvin TX
Shelly Heather F 30-39 Female 50 255 130 1:27:51.2 1:35:20.9 3:03:12.12 3:04:03.01 14:03 San Leon TX
Heacker Betty F 60-69 Female 3 256 131 1:35:03.5 1:30:07.7 3:05:11.30 3:05:29.17 14:10 Houston TX
Williams Bobbie F 60-69 Female 4 257 132 1:30:53.5 1:34:00.9 3:04:54.47 3:05:46.51 14:11 Nassau Bay TX
Bartholome Sandra F 40-49 Female 39 258 133 1:28:20.2 1:38:30.7 3:06:51.05 3:07:23.58 14:18 Highlands TX
Espinosa Robert M 50-59 Male 29 259 126 1:31:53.9 1:36:32.8 3:08:26.81 3:08:37.10 14:24 Seguin TX
Quinones Pat F 50-59 Female 14 260 134 1:33:10.6 1:35:04.8 3:08:15.53 3:09:01.29 14:26 Missouri City TX
Espinosa Juanita F 50-59 Female 15 261 135 1:32:10.2 1:36:54.0 3:09:04.35 3:09:15.17 14:27 Seguin TX
Hegemier Suzanne F 50-59 Female 16 262 136 1:33:42.6 1:34:51.0 3:08:33.65 3:09:28.88 14:28 Houston TX
Burns Antoinette F 60-69 Female 5 263 137 1:33:11.1 1:36:01.4 3:09:12.60 3:09:57.88 14:30 Sugar Land TX
Rutherford Debbie F 40-49 Female 40 264 138 1:34:09.5 1:36:47.5 3:10:57.10 3:11:34.77 14:37
Noble Beverly F 60-69 Female 6 265 139 1:32:23.3 1:38:30.7 3:10:54.10 3:11:41.72 14:38 Pearland TX
Alexander Deanna F 40-49 Female 41 266 140 1:32:44.6 1:38:13.0 3:10:57.66 3:11:51.24 14:39 Rosharon TX
Milazzo Julia F 50-59 Female 17 267 141 1:33:42.7 1:37:31.5 3:11:14.27 3:12:09.21 14:40 Houston TX
Stommel Eric M 30-39 Male 43 268 127 1:34:47.0 1:36:39.1 3:11:26.15 3:12:11.80 14:40 Tomball TX
Dement Beverly F 50-59 Female 18 269 142 1:30:01.4 1:41:33.0 3:11:34.51 3:12:15.96 14:41 Seabrook TX
Emmite-baker Lisa F 40-49 Female 42 270 143 1:30:06.3 1:41:21.8 3:11:28.16 3:12:20.20 14:41 Houston TX
Mcfather Mary F 40-49 Female 43 271 144 1:34:35.5 1:37:10.6 3:11:46.19 3:12:40.53 14:42 Dickinson TX
Parker Kae F 40-49 Female 44 272 145 1:34:38.1 1:37:34.8 3:12:13.00 3:13:07.54 14:45 Shoreacres TX
Duncan Kerry M 40-49 Male 27 273 128 1:24:47.3 1:28:42.7 2:53:30.08 3:13:41.61 14:47 Katy TX
Alexander Marian F 50-59 Female 19 274 146 1:33:13.4 1:40:31.9 3:13:45.33 3:14:39.18 14:52 Channelview TX
Poscovsky Janice F 50-59 Female 20 275 147 1:35:49.7 1:38:27.8 3:14:17.63 3:15:03.80 14:53 Sugar Land TX
Willis Jennifer F 30-39 Female 51 276 148 1:38:58.2 1:36:15.6 3:15:13.86 3:15:38.23 14:56 Cypress TX
Miller Kc F 50-59 Female 21 277 149 1:38:05.4 1:39:42.4 3:17:47.87 3:18:47.40 15:10 Houston TX
Torregrossa Bernice F 50-59 Female 22 278 150 1:29:12.8 1:50:30.7 3:19:43.61 3:20:24.94 15:18 Galveston TX
Windsor Glenn M 50-59 Male 30 279 129 1:40:12.6 1:40:01.6 3:20:14.28 3:21:08.02 15:21 Deer Park TX
Tammaro Tania F 30-39 Female 52 280 151 1:39:34.0 1:43:23.4 3:22:57.43 3:23:35.88 15:33 Seabrook TX
Kerr Jerry M 50-59 Male 31 281 130 1:38:51.1 1:44:35.9 3:23:27.13 3:23:59.96 15:34 Joshua TX
Pawinski Heather F 30-39 Female 53 282 152 1:40:30.5 1:42:52.0 3:23:22.63 3:24:00.85 15:34 Houston TX
Cooper Melissa F 40-49 Female 45 283 153 1:38:24.8 1:48:30.6 3:26:55.46 3:27:53.00 15:52 League City TX
Miller Gaylene F 60-69 Female 7 284 154 1:42:43.0 1:44:57.8 3:27:40.88 3:28:10.01 15:53 Tiki Island TX
Brassell Sara F 60-69 Female 8 285 155 1:42:42.3 1:45:01.3 3:27:43.71 3:28:13.46 15:54 Tiki Island TX
Johnston Jana F 50-59 Female 23 286 156 1:51:52.0 1:36:58.0 3:28:50.14 3:29:22.16 15:59 Houston TX
Singer Ann F 60-69 Female 9 287 157 1:42:24.8 1:47:47.5 3:30:12.35 3:30:54.84 16:06 Suffern NY
Stoker Tracy F 30-39 Female 54 288 158 1:46:25.8 1:44:44.4 3:31:10.29 3:31:58.21 16:11 Pearland TX
Tyler Linda F 60-69 Female 10 289 159 1:46:23.3 1:44:44.8 3:31:08.18 3:31:58.67 16:11 Pearland TX
Williams Michele F 40-49 Female 46 290 160 1:47:23.3 1:50:48.1 3:38:11.47 3:38:45.93 16:42 Houston TX
Chionsini Lisa F 50-59 Female 24 291 161 1:46:16.3 1:53:34.1 3:39:50.44 3:40:39.69 16:51 Friendswood TX
Faulk Rebecca F 30-39 Female 55 292 162 1:43:42.6 1:56:55.4 3:40:38.14 3:41:06.33 16:53 Dickinson TX
Davidson Margaret F 40-49 Female 47 293 163 1:43:43.0 1:56:55.6 3:40:38.62 3:41:06.47 16:53 League City TX
Teter Kim F 40-49 Female 48 294 164 1:52:12.3 1:48:06.4 3:40:18.80 3:41:13.33 16:53 Houston TX
Parchman Rebecca F 40-49 Female 49 295 165 1:52:21.0 1:50:07.1 3:42:28.19 3:43:21.23 17:03 Houston TX
Burrows Terri F 40-49 Female 50 296 166 1:52:22.2 1:50:06.4 3:42:28.66 3:43:21.75 17:03 Tomball TX
Ingle Ronda F 30-39 Female 56 297 167 1:53:36.7 2:01:47.0 3:55:23.73 3:56:22.51 18:03 Lubbock TX
Haas Melinda F 40-49 Female 51 298 168 1:59:51.6 1:59:54.4 3:59:46.05 4:00:42.81 18:23 Houston TX
Rose Mary F 50-59 Female 25 299 169 1:59:53.0 2:11:40.9 4:11:33.94 4:12:30.49 19:17 League City TX